Remember one time when you were young and were trying to retell your mom the book you have just read. This is the first time in your life you had sort of articulated a descriptive essay in a form of a speech. Now you will learn a little more about it.
General Definition
Descriptive essay is the kind of essay paper where writer tells his own point of view on certain questions. It is, so to say, the most basic view on this type of essay in general. A lot of people associate essay with a descriptive essay.
You watched a film and wrote some sort of review of it. In this review you told not only about the actors and the plot but also about your own reaction on this film. Moreover, you explained with examples and other kinds of arguments why your point of view has a right to be heard and why you just had such an impression from the film. This is an easy example of a descriptive essay.
Common Structure
Usually this type of an essay has the following structure:
- Introduction. Here you outline the background of the situation you will be talking about.
- Formulation of a main point. You write about an emotion, an impression or a thought which was the most important for you in comprehending this question/inquiry.
- Examples. They can be referred to also as arguments but it depends only on you. If you want to sound more rational and scientific or if you write about a really complicated problem then use reasonable arguments and not only empirical examples from our everyday life.
- Conclusion. Here you either neglect what you were thinking before unfolding your argumentation or reopen your main thesis in new light.
Remember to Share
A descriptive essay is not only your own point of view on a certain problem. It is not only your impression from the book or film. It is your thoughts and feelings combined with each other and put in a beautiful form on the paper. It is the living thought striking out from the text to come and take the peruser into the world of this single unique person who has written this.
How Does It Work?
Imagine you were walking down the street and saw some guys playing football on the yard. You suddenly remembered yourself as you were in the ground school and were playing with your friends. You thought about your friends and tried to imagine what they are doing now. You also get to think about how your relationships have changed, and your life, as well. Then you tried to foresee the lives of these guys playing football and understood that life in general is beautiful, interesting, and that no matter where you are, for everyone it is a little bit the same.

In case you write such observations in correct form you will get an astounding descriptive essay.
Where to Find Inspiration?
There are two ways to answer this question:
- First answer is that inspiration is not a treasure so you do not need to look for it. Smart and successful people say that inspiration as well as satisfaction comes with work. Until you have started to work you would not be inspired to do something great. It is like an appetite which appears when you start to eat.
- The second one is more promising. If you want to write an awesome essay but still have not decided what it will be about you may try certain activities to help you get inspired for the work:
Go for a Walk
Observe people and things, drink a cup of coffee on the terrace of a crowded cafe in the center. Listen to certain stories, imagine other stories just by watching people's behavior. Write small indicators in your notepad or even begin to write an essay, no matter where you suddenly felt a need to do it.

Read the Right Things
Read books of the most successful and well-known essayists. It is not only about learning from their experience: they can let you know how the good essay may look like, but also will help you collect new themes and methods of writing for the future.
Combine a Pleasure and an Obligation
You can combine something you like to do with a work on the essay. Talk to friends, watch films, go out of town or take a ride to the riverside to have a picnic. The only change you should do in your everyday activities is your attitude to them. Collect emotions and thoughts which appear to you during the day. Be more attentive to other people's behavior and points of view. Notice every little thing life offers you every day. Buy a small notebook and fill it with your thoughts and contemplations. In the end you will have a lot of the material you can begin with when writing an essay. Remember, one sentence and even one word will be useful for you to coordinate and start the flow of your creative thinking process. That is why do not lose those moments when you notice something unusual or just interesting in a certain way.
The Last Tip
You wrote what you were thinking of. You described your thoughts and feelings. You put inside of the essay a lot of arguments and examples. You want to grab it now and go give it to your teacher. Wait!
Check the Paper
Firstly you should read it to someone. Find a friend who will listen to you attentively and read your small literature work. If they like it a lot, if they ask you to write more, you are an awesome writer. In case the friend does not like what you have written, ask for their piece advice and try to solve the problem. The thing is that we may judge ourselves without being too critical. We may like whatever we do and however we do this. That is why we need a close look from the side to make us sure we have not been too subjective. It will be even better to ask more than one friend about their opinion of what you wrote.