Many people think that the most important thing is to write a course work, and the rest is paperwork. But this is a big mistake. In fact, a disdainful attitude towards defense of your course project – it is almost the same if you won the Olympic Games, and the reward would not have been taken. A reward is an evaluation. And it is formed of several parts.
The first part, of course, is the text of the work, its design. And the second part of the assessment (and sometimes the weightiest) is its defense.
We are all taught to write course work at university, given special rules (which change a hundred times). But it is not taught for some reason how to write a defense speech. What injustice! Do teachers count on the fact that they will be able to make the student fail the exam in this way? Ungrateful people! Well, it is okay, the failure time on the defense will sink into oblivion for you after you read our recommendations. And experts from wedoessay.com remain the best specialists in the field of writing term papers.
Prepare the Speech of the Course Work Defense
The basis of any defense is the text of defense (speech). And then several different questions immediately arise in front of the student:
- What is the basis for the text of the defense?
- What should be the volume of this text?
- How to keep within the time limits for the defense?
So, now we will answer all these questions.
What Is the Basis for the Text of the Defense?
"The course work is so big, but I need to take only what is called the most important for the defense. And what is the most important in my work? There is the "main thing" in the introduction, and there is a lot of "main" things in the first chapter, and there is the "essence" in the second chapter, well, and I generally cannot imagine it without the conclusion – it needs to be taken 100%."
As a result, when a student cuts out paragraphs for the text of the defense, then he or she gets such athorough defense, 8-10 pages. But this is not good. This "raw" protection must now be "dried", i.e. remove 5-8 pages. But how? Is it really impossible? "If I remove almost half of what I considered necessary, then the speech of the defense of the course work will be incoherent and I will definitely fail ... ". Such cries are heard constantly from the students. However, everything is not as difficult as many people think.
There are very few students who correctly write the speech of the defense of the course work from the first time. Remember this.
Let us imagine ourselves as teachers for a second and think what it is important for us to receive from the students when they defend their course work. It is important for professors to understand that the students understand their topic, have mastered its main points. Teachers heard defense speeches many times. Therefore, they are not so interested in all the students' favorite opening words like: "At the moment, this topic is very relevant for studying ...".
In this regard, we give you the main advice about what to take as the basis of the speech of the defense of the course work, and what not to take:
- We take: concrete facts, terms, conclusions;
- We do not take: introductory sentences, long annotations, "water".
To make teachers happy with you, give them what they want to hear. For example, if the topic of your course work is "Manager in the management system", then at the very beginning, define the word "manager". Thus, you create a "point of reference" for yourself, and teachers will immediately think that you are a good student who is well-versed in the topic.
It is not necessary to describe some issues in your topic in great detail, otherwise, you will not get symmetry and the general idea of your course work will be one-sided, which will be negative for you.
What Should Be the Volume of This Text?
You have probably already realized that 8-10 pages is too much. Usually it is given 7-10 minutes for the course work defense. It is known from practice that 3 pages is the optimal volume of text.
However, this is not a rigid framework, which does not allow you to vary the volume of the text depending on the needs. It is just your benchmark, which many students use when they make up their speech.
There is also a useful remark: when you are composing the text, try to highlight the paragraphs (as is done in this article). When you select paragraphs, it will be easier for you to navigate in the text when you read, because you will probably be worried when you will be in front of the teacher (or even in front of the whole course). Do not put everything in the form of the continuous text.
How to Keep within the Time Limits for the Defense?
Here everything is simple: rehearsing, rehearsing and rehearsing again. Before the defense, read your text several times in front of the mirror with the stopwatch on. You can also record your home defense on your camcorder and then see how you look from the outside. The stopwatch will help you understand if you are within the specified time or not. If not, cut your speech, just do not talk faster. Do not turn the words into "porridge". It is better to have a little text than a lot of vague one.
Well, and finally, as a bonus, we will give you 2 extra recommendations that will allow you to increase the evaluation for the course work defense.
- Make a presentation to the defense
If the conditions permit, then make a graphic illustration of your speech in the form of the presentation. It will increase the perceptibility of your speech of the defense of the course work and, thereby, you will earn an additional plus to the overall assessment of your work.
- In advance, anticipate possible questions and prepare answers to them
The best speakers in the world always anticipate possible questions to their speeches in advance and prepare answers for them when they are prepared for the performance. That is why you rarely see any politician who stammers when answers. After all, all possible issues are worked out long before the meeting with voters, for example. And why are you worse? Boldly add this trick to your arsenal and apply, do not hesitate!