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How to Become Friends with Your Parents?

by in Other
Teenagers and Parents

For many teenagers, their family is the main priority in their life because they do everything possible to keep close relationships with parents and other relatives. However, another part of the young people is not very attentive to it and thinks that it is not real to become good friends with their parents. Arguments against such a friendship are different: for example, a big generation gap, no common hobbies or interests, and so on.

All these things do not let young people take a step forward and start improving relationships with adults. Firstly, you should think why they may be ruined or go bad. Sure, the main reason is thousands of conflicts in the family. That is why it is essential to be aware of some ways which will help you solve conflicts quickly and even prevent them. Our team has some useful information for students who do not want to suffer from a misunderstanding with parents anymore.

Honor Your Parents

The first rule which you should memorize to prevent hundreds of conflicts in your family is that you have to respect your parents anyway. Do not forget that you use their money and resources for living and they gave you the best years of the life. However, it does not mean that you cannot do or decide anything on your own. If you do not agree with something that adults say, it will be better to tell them this in a polite and calm way. Do not be rude and disrespectful because it will provoke new conflicts and make all participants feel upset.

Do Not Depend on Them

Family Dinner

Sure, respect and politeness matter a lot, but it does not mean that you should listen to their opinion in all cases. For example, it usually happens that parents choose a college for their kids and even select the majority subjects there. Thus, they decide everything about young person’s future and do not leave any alternative for them.

Sometimes children’s and adults’ opinions are too different, and a compromise is impossible. Just imagine that you want to become a famous writer and you have a talent for it. You are good at creating school essays, and want to live your life as a famous author. However, your parents want you to become a lawyer. Sure, it is a very stupid decision to agree with them and their wishes in such a case. And if everything is vice versa and you are a disgusting writer, then there is nothing easier than placing an order on wedoessay.com and continue to deal with more pressing issues. For example, with the one about which we are talking now.

Be Independent

It is understandable that you should be independent and not rely only on adults’ decisions. It is your life, and you are free to make a choice. However, it is essential to pay attention to their tips and experience as well. In such a way, you can prevent lots of conflicts and show your respect. Moreover, your family members will feel that you need them despite the fact that you are not a child anymore. That is why your target is setting some limits for your parents’ influence on your life. Just explain to them that you are adult and experienced enough to make your own decisions and that it is important for you.

Perceive Your Mistakes

People Arguing

You should remember that you will have to make the first step and even apologize for your faults in the majority of cases. It is a nice way to reduce conflicts and prevent serious arguments. Do not let something unpleasant happen and learn how to perceive your mistakes. A simple “Sorry” can help you save your nerves and avoid stress. On the other hand, if you waste time and wait until your parents apologize, you may provoke a more severe quarrel. In addition, you should never blame someone else when a conflict occurs. It is important to be able to admit your guilt.

Find a Compromise

The most effective and useful solution to any conflict is a compromise. You should not leave your arguments without finding it because they may recall about themselves later. It should be the common work. You can find a solution to your argument only together. A compromise has to be acceptable and satisfying for all of the family members involved in a conflict. If it is not suitable for one of the sides, you should modify and develop it. Take everyone’s interests into account and try not to make it more pleasant for you because your parents will probably not appreciate it.

Explain Your Position

Parents Advising Something

It is important to explain your position to your parents in a clear way. Sometimes conflicts in a family occur only because of misunderstanding between its members. In this case, you have not to argue or blame someone but show the reasons of having a certain position. A simple talk without any unsaid things can solve a conflict until it becomes too serious.

You should never start abusing someone if they do not perceive your positions or opinion. This person may just misunderstand you. Such things usually happen with your family. You have a big age difference and few common interests in life. That is why it is a normal thing if some lapses in communication occur. Just perceive them and try to be patient, not hurry up adults if they do not understand your ideas.

Summing up, it is essential not to hurt or disrespect adults as sometimes it may have very serious consequences. It happens that family members do not talk to each other for weeks or even months. Sure, this is a truly unpleasant experience, which no one wants to have. Your main target is to develop a close and friendly relationship with parents and prevent quarrels with them.

It is not easy to be independent and free personality and satisfy your family at the same time. However, it is possible thanks to our tips because they are simple to do and effective for young people, who suffer from the misunderstanding with adults at home.

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