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Ways to Get Your Musical Taste Significantly Improved

by in Other
Listening to Music

I bet you are listening to your own playlist and feel like no one has it better formed than you? Am I right? Or, maybe, you always offer your friends the bands you like assuring them there is nothing better and more professional than your music taste. Which one is about you? The first or the second option? Or maybe both?

Here I will talk about the way our music taste is formed, the influential criteria and ways of achieving some certain taste in music and not just listen to everything choosing at random. Prepare your list of favorite songs and enjoy the article!

Music Taste Explained

First of all, bear in mind that music taste is not a constant merit without any changes included. It is an evolution of your personal growth, reflected in what you were listening, starting from rap music and going through rock finishing with techno rave scene or death metal (the order of appearance may be freely changed).

Musicians Playing

Your personal taste of music can vary depending on the mood you have or according to certain circumstances in life. So, I can define this term as a list of soul music according to the latest preferences and appealing personally to you. There is no need to be ashamed if you listen to one kind of music while everyone around you prefers another one. Also, you should understand that there is no need to be dependent on only one genre refusing to be involved in another one. Music genres can broaden your horizons and there is nothing bad in it.

What Your Music Taste May Reveal About Your Personality?

So what if someone prefers soundtracks over other kinds of music? Even the Coca Cola commercial jingle deserves to be appreciated by someone, nothing to say about movie and cartoon soundtracks.

Another interesting observation is that people really choose the music to their personal characteristics. So, tell me what is your genre of music and I tell you who you are:

  • Rock. People who listen to rock are self-immersed as usually they bind the emotional state they receive at a concert with their own life dramas, also people can notice that they are kind of selfish because of their characteristics;
  • Country. The listeners of country music are usually easy-going and as a rule agreeable. Nevertheless, they are mostly conservative no matter if to talk about other “alternative” genres of music or political issues. They are good with where they are and there is no need for them to try something else;
  • Jazz. Such people are highly-creative in everything they happen to encounter. Just like jazz musicians improvise each time when playing, their listeners are often open to new styles and slight changes for a good cause. They are also good listeners and deep-thinkers and this kind of music exercise your brains even more than your body;
  • Electro/ Techno. This group of listeners are the most mystical as for me. The genre is still developing and the audience of listeners grows in geometrical progression, among whose there are mostly young white college male students. The music is being mixed with R&B and hip-hop and allures such artists as David Guetta and Sia, Paramore and John Legend;
  • Pop. Along with the lack of creative skills, the listeners are the lovers of happy music and are very social in general. Also, they are usually not stuck to one particular pop band but balance between various options and are more likely to incessant repetition of their beloved ones;
  • Hip-hop/ rap. Listeners of this genre are extroverts and they freely enjoy social events and public performances, very often they are possessing a high self-esteem along with I-know-it-better-than-you opinion;
  • Heavy metal. The listeners are delicate and gentle cuties. Nothing to add;
  • Classical. For some reason the pieces of Bach, Beethoven and other honored composers are considered to be “heard” only by truly intelligent and educated listeners. But what about other genres? Those are somewhere in the middle or even the end. Not very polite of them, though;
  • Gospel music listeners love their genre for its being soul-touching and very intimate. As most of them are sung acapella, they enjoy it even more and are easily inspired by the music. Such people possess and high level of empathy and emotional intelligence;
  • Club/ dance music. Especially for all-nighters this kind of music is to be presented here. Such people enjoy social life and never miss an opportunity to show themselves in public. They are open-minded and always ready for new offers.

How Can You "Improve" Your Taste in Music?

Ways of Improvement

The secret is that such things as music pieces (especially those, that become hits during the first days of their release) cannot fit only one genre, you also cannot choose one and stick to it till the end of times. However, improving your musical taste does not mean choosing one music genre to be dedicated to, it means being musically intelligent – to understand the variety of genres and their colorfulness in the way of affecting human minds and hearts.

Never let anyone pester you with their music taste unless you want it yourself. Be respectful to other’s as music is optional and each genre has its right for being listened by someone. Music is a reflection of our souls. People are all individuals and that is why the whole humankind cannot and shouldn’t listen to one genre in hope to understand each other. We are good with what we have and how different we are. If a special genre makes you happy and content (which is a primary intention of music) then you have found your fix and there will be no one to prove you the opposite.

And the last but not the least, why may it cost you life? The answer is evident: if you are a well-aware musical expert in all spheres of music genres, you will never have troublesome disputes with friends and classmates at school or college for being “not understood” for listening to a particular genre of music.

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