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Work, Study or Rest: What to Put in the First Place?

by in Other
Thoughtful Student

You are a student. Now you do not need to write a school essay. But, each student faces the main question: “Work, study or rest: what to put in the first place?” Yeah, it is a global problem for students, because they want to get everything at once. You want to finish the university with good marks and at the same time you want to hang out with your friends. Dear reader, let us look at all the variants and find out which is more convenient. What should you aspire to and how to manage your time?

Option One: the Work in the First Place

Many students, especially seniors, understand very well that they cannot live only using money of their parents. That is why they look for an additional source of income in form of a part-time job or part-time employment. On one hand, such an active position is good, but to combine study and work is not possible for all the students of the university. The main thing is that you will not have time for relaxation and for your personal life. When a student receives a salary, he feels comfortable in the modern society. He does not depend on the financial assistance of parents and does not depend on the scholarship. He gets some experience. However, not everything is as great as it might seem at first the glance. A student stops studying and relaxing with friends and pursues material wealth. Unknowingly, he becomes a fan of money, a careerist, which may adversely affect their presence in the university. So, let us state the advantages and disadvantages of such a life.

Advantages: new friends, future prospects, financial stability, career, confidence in the future and sociability.

Disadvantages: regular skipping of lectures, bad marks, the risk of unexpected expulsion from the university.

Here is our advice for you. Work is always good and profitable, but it is important not to confuse these two concepts: “basic work” and “part-time work.” This means that the student's primary employment should still be studying at the university and the desire to get a higher education diploma. As for the part-time work, it is necessary to live according to the principle: “You cannot earn all money in the world.” It is desirable for you part-time job to take 2 or 3 hours per day of the after class time and, especially, not in the period of the exams. Here you can find some tips how to make money as a student.

Option Two: the Study in the First Place

There is another category of students that can be called “learning fans,” also known as “nerds.” This type of students exists at any university: in every academic group there usually exist a couple of nerds who cannot imagine their life without a lecture. They study hard in the morning, afternoon and evening. They sit at the first desk, constantly raise their hand and add something to the words of the professor. They have enough money because of the minimum requirements. These students do not need the rest, as they consider study to be the best relaxation. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of such a life style.

Advantages: diploma, career prospects, increased scholarship, highly qualified specialists.

Disadvantages: lack of friends and good memories.

Here is the advice for you. Studying is a good thing, right and proper, but do not get hung up on acquiring knowledge. The fact is that five years at the university will fly in a moment, and you will remember only textbooks, books and laboratory works.

Option Three: the Rest in the First Place

There is another category of students who interpret the years at the university as a fun time and celebration. Such students are not interested in studying hard. They do not always appear at the university: at night they party a lot, and the next day they sleep in the dormitory until lunch. Yeah, it is an intense pace of life, and there is no place for studying. However, parties require money and scholarship money ends very quickly, so this means that in the second place after the rest is work. It can be any part-time work, only if it gets them the money for fun activities. There is a question, where is the place for studying? The answer is obvious, there is no place for a higher education. This variant clearly is unsuitable for the student life. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of such a lifestyle.

Advantages: a lot of positive emotions and happy memories for student years, new friends and good personal life, sociability, nature carefree.

Disadvantages: poor academic activity, expulsion.

Here it is some advice for you. Try to party less and do not give up on your studies indefinitely. If you organize your mode of the week clearly, you will have no time for the studies, and for the rest with your friends or classmates. It is always important to remember why you entered the university, then the motivation will stimulate you to study and entertainment will take the second place.

Proper Organization of the Educational Process

Resting Student

Studying takes up fifty percent. Still, do not forget why you enrolled into the university and did not sleep the night before the entrance exams, studied at school, earning good grades and knowledge for a new life. Work takes up thirty percent. If a student has the opportunity to earn money, then why not to take this chance? Of course, a part-time job should not interfere with your educational process. The rest of the time, twenty percent, is devoted to rest. This is a great opportunity to relax from the hard week with your friends and mentally prepare for the upcoming. The main thing is to see the line, because you must be in a good mood on Monday and come to the first lecture without delay, as well as actively participate in the conversation with professor, and not to sleep on the lecture after the crazy weekends. This is the ideal option, when you combine studying with pleasure. To summarize, everything is easier than you thought, so everything can be solved. The main thing is to competently approach the issue, and bear in mind that the primary task of the university is still to receive a higher education and become a graduate with good prospects. So, everything is in your hands. Now you know what to put first: work, study or rest.

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