Pregnancy and Childbirth on the Way to Higher Education
In a modern society, some girls entering the first year of the university, confidently believe that their only task during their stay in the university is to marry successfully. That is why every time they are constantly looking out and waiting for their soul mate.
Such students, for the most part, are already married in the fourth year, and the next nine months are preparing for the long-awaited, but not always planned maternity. It is good if a child is born after receiving a diploma, but what to do if his/her birth precedes the fateful release?
As a rule, in such situations, the student must take an official "academic leave", which allows her to complete her studies in the university after the birth of her child. She chooses the period of her return to study herself: some need just several months to return to grind away at their studies, and some want to stay in the decree much longer.
In any case, according to all the same statistics, not all "young mothers" return to the walls of the university, and many even believe that they have already fulfilled their main mission in this life. However, there are also those young ladies who do not plan to give up further study, having set a goal – to obtain the higher education by any means.
Incomplete Higher Education

In modern society, there is such a thing as "incomplete higher education". In fact, this is also an education, but it implies only the availability of basic knowledge, which in principle is quite enough for certain positions.
So, it is possible to talk about incomplete higher education for a potential employee who studied in the university for 3 to 4 years, depending on the specialty being mastered. Of course, during employment, the employer can ask a question about the reasons for the incompleteness of studies, and much depends on the answer.
Of course, it is better to have an unfinished education than no base at all, but nevertheless, it also has its shortcomings, which in the future will be recalled more than once:
- In this case, one cannot judge an employee as a graduate, and accordingly, there will be much more questions when hiring, and some of them may have the most unpleasant overtones;
- The concept of "incomplete higher education" is just a beautiful phrase, which, alas, is not documented. That is why not all bosses will believe their potential employee on bare word;
- The relevance of unfinished higher education prevailed when an acute shortage of personnel was experienced. But today, there is no such problem, and getting a job without a corresponding diploma is almost impossible.
Accordingly, it is simply impossible to overestimate the helpfulness of higher education, and every student should remember this. If you decided to give up further study for some reason, you simply have to think about your future destiny. Not only we are talking about the benefits of higher education, many articles have already been written on this subject and many statistical studies have been carried out. Here you can read about it.
A person without a higher education is not an expert, and certainly not a valuable employee who can count on good conditions and pay for the work. That is why we would not advise leaving the university under any circumstances, otherwise, it will be very difficult to restore (at least morally).
If the understanding has come that the chosen specialty is simply not yours, then it is always possible to agree on the transfer and change the future profession at times even within the framework of one university. Professors often meet these students halfway, realizing that this is a deliberate choice, which not everyone can dare to decide.
So, you should not think and wonder about the question of why students abandon the university, it is better to think about what they did in order to get such a necessary and demanded higher education.
In this article, we told you about why students leave their studies. As you can see, the reasons can be very different. But we should always remember that it is all to the good. We wish you the best of luck on your journey.