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Writing a Perfect Lab Report in Physics, Personal Guide

Guide with Tourists

Among other school subjects this one has always seemed to be the most demanding and severe. Nevertheless, everything that is somehow connected with science, is also extremely interesting as it deals with our world and its processes. Through various experiments we acquire new knowledge about the surroundings and it is truly intriguing. Did you ever want to understand how the light transfers through our atmosphere and why is it considered to be the fastest among everything possible?

Writing a Paper About Emmanuel Kant and His Philosophical Scoops in Metaphysics


Let’s imagine you have been asked to write a paper about the most influential philosopher in the Western World. Who comes to your mind? Nietzsche? Socrates? Maybe Descartes? What about the most famous one among metaphysicians and the whole world? Let’s talk about Immanuel Kant – the author of “The Critique of Pure Reason” as well as many other crucial works on religion, ethics, morality, freedom and other crucial questions of humanity.

Descriptive Essay Tips

Walk in the City

Remember one time when you were young and were trying to retell your mom the book you have just read. This is the first time in your life you had sort of articulated a descriptive essay in a form of a speech. Now you will learn a little more about it.

Thank You Letter: Is It a Good Approach?

Typing an E-mail

We all know, that a job interview does not only take a few moments of your life, as it is, in fact, a huge investment: you need to look for the positions, check on the available ones, do some research on the office or agency you are applying for a job position at, think your answers through and find the most suitable outfit. Not as easy, as writing a school essay, right? However, it takes some struggle and a great deal of time for the organizers to meet you, too, so it would be a good gesture to send them a thank you letter after this meeting. Not only it is polite, it can be compared to a sip of good wine that leaves a pleasant aftertaste when the main bouquet of taste has vanished. Moreover, 75% of interviewers confirmed that a thank you letter influences their decision while selecting a candidate, which is always a good thing to know.

How to Tackle Responsibility

Lifting Weight

In college, some situations may arise when you have to accept responsibilities. Some people are reckless and are ready to take up on it, but cannot carry it through. Others realize full well the potential of accepting it and all the bad outcomes that could come from it, so they consciously avoid it. Responsibilities can vary from something small like essay writing, to something big like becoming the head of the council and advocating for change. Nonetheless, taking up responsibility is as important as carrying it through to the end. This article will help you realize when it is necessary to tackle responsibility and the ways to do so the right way.

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